Yes, I made it through the cleanse thank God. It was REALLY tough. And I couldn't have my "Friday night, time-to-relax" wine, but I can just get over that real quick since I can't have a sip of alcohol at least for 12 more weeks.
Day 3 was hard. I was STARVING, I was HANGRY, and I was sick of raw vegetables. But I got up and ate my eggs, took my vitamins, had my Quick Boost and went on in to work. I forgot my orange though. I had my drink mix supplement around 10 and it was strawberry kiwi flavor and a vast improvement over the orange pineapple and mixed berry I had before. Then I went to weigh in and chat about what I can eat after the cleanse. According to my scale (I weigh FTITM butt-naked) and I lost 4 lbs! According to their scale, I have lost 2. So at least that kept me motivated.
Day 4 (today) was a glorious day because I could eat more food! And I went to the store and bought my list and I am figuring out how to be creative with the few things I can have. I had my 1 egg, cottage cheese and Skim milk for breakfast, my QB and my vitamins, and went and did some yard work and painted my porch. Then I came in for a snack and had Melba Toast (which is on the list and is basically a flat crouton but healthy for you), with basil and cherry tomatoes. Pretty cute huh?
I also had my drink mix at this point and it was Lemon-Razzy, which is now my favorite. So basically for the next 12-13 weeks I eat the following:
3 Proteins (1 of those has to be my breakfast egg)
4 Veggies
3 Fruits
3 Starches
1/2 TBSP of Lite Salt
1/2 TBSP of fat (Butter or mayo)
2 protein supplements (bar and drink mix, 1 each a day)
2 Quick Boosts (B-fast and Lunch)
1 Vitamin
And then, figure out a way to space all that out into 5-6 different meals/snacks, don't eat fruit after 6pm, don't eat 4 hours before you go to bed, you can have beef but not 2 days in a row, there are only certain veggies you can have so no carrots or corn... it's a LOT to remember! No wonder some people give up on this plan. But luckily I am a pretty organized person so hopefully I can figure it out.
The true test for today was I had a lunch meeting AND a birthday party to attend and boooooooooyyyy the temptations! For lunch I met a client at Mimi's Cafe and they actually had a few good choices! I had the salmon with a small salad, strawberries and an orange slice or 2, which game me 1P, 1V, and 1F serving. I had water to drink. I had my QB and went on my way. When I got home I had a snack of watermelon and some of these thin Waca crackers that weren't that bad.
The birthday party was a cupcake wars theme and all the kids were making their own cupcakes. This was soooo hard! But I didn't even lick a bit of icing off my finger from Carly's cupcake. I just ate on a fruit kabob and pretended it was on of those milky, moist, sugary, chocolaty delights. AND THEN, to top off the night, I took my husband out to Longhorn to celebrate his promotion and refused the bread, ate 1/4 of my salad because of the dressing, and had a 6 oz. sirloin but asked for them to not season it and a baked potato with just a tiny bit of butter, WHICH IS ALL ON THE DIET! Wahoooo!
If I can resist the temptations I was faced with today for the next few weeks, this might just work!
Oh, and I tried a new protein bar today after raving about the Caramel Brownie one... it is still my favorite but I finally found a way to describe it's taste to you. At first I thought "Little Debbie" but now it is more like, you find a Twix from Halloween last year in your kids closet and it's a little stale but you eat it anyway because you really like Twix... that's what it tastes like. The new one is Fudge Graham and it's pretty good. It tastes sort of like a stale Kit-Kat.
I'm hanging in there and more on Monday when I weigh in again!
"At first I thought "Little Debbie" but now it is more like, you find a Twix from Halloween last year in your kids closet and it's a little stale but you eat it anyway because you really like Twix... "